Shonan iPark Science Cafe






"Exercise plasma boosts memory and dampens brain inflammation via clusterin"

Miguel et al., Nature, 600(7889), 494-499, 2021


The relationship between a lifestyle and cognitive functions will be the topic in this presentation as before. The lifestyle was drinking last time and exercise this time. It has recently been shown that exercise is beneficial to health and slow cognitive aging and neurodegeneration.  However the mechanisms are not yet well understood.  In this article, when the plasma of exercised mice (runner plasma) was administered to sedentary mice, inflammation was suppressed and cognitive functions were enhanced.  Complement cascade inhibitors, including clusterin, were increased in runner plasma and were less effective in clusterin-free plasma.  Clusterin binds to brain endothelial cells and reduces neuroinflammatory gene expression in mouse models of disease.  Exercise increased clusterin even in patients with cognitive impairment.  These findings suggest the existence of anti-inflammatory exercise factors that are transferrable, target the cerebrovasculature, benefit the brain, and are present in humans who engage in exercise.

(2022.3.24 Shonan iPark Science Cafe 109th)