Shonan iPark Science Cafe






Lifelong persistence of nuclear RNAs in the mouse brain

Zocher et al., Science. 2024 Apr 5;384(6691):53-59.







Although it is common knowledge that RNA is more prone to degradation and has a shorter life span than genomic DNA, the long-term persistence of nuclear RNAs, which are involved in transcriptional regulation and chromatin architecture, is considered crucial.

I will present a report showing that certain nuclear RNAs in the mouse brain are not metabolized for at least two years and describes the characteristics of such RNAs.

Long-lived RNAs were found to be stably retained in the nucleus of neurons and are required for the maintenance of heterochromatin.

I would like to discuss the possibility that extremely stable RNA molecules, together with genomic DNA of genetic information, contribute to the maintenance of neuronal lifespan.

(2024.4.25 Shonan iPark Science Cafe 176th)



Visualization of Single-molecule Conformational Transition and Binding Dynamics in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

Liu et al., 2023, Nature Commun, Aug 25;14(1):5203


天然変性タンパク質(IDP) は、従来の創薬標的とは異なり特定の三次構造を持たないタンパク質であり、創薬標的としては多くの困難がありますが、最近IDPを標的とした創薬研究においていくつかのイノベーションが報告されています。本報告では、シリコンナノワイヤトランジスタ(SiNW-FETs)を基盤とする単一分子電気ナノ回路を構築し、長期間にわたる単一分子レベルでの測定が可能となっており、紹介させて頂きたいと思います。IDPは薬物探索においての課題がありますが、多くの生物学的プロセスにおいて重要な枠割を果たしていることが示されており、その分子機構の解明は新たな創薬研究に繋がると考えられています。


Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs) are proteins without a specific tertiary structure, unlike conventional drug targets, which presents many difficulties as drug targets, but several innovations have recently been reported in drug discovery research targeting IDPs. I would like to introduce this report that shows a single-molecule electrical nanocircuit based on silicon nanowire field-effect transistors (SiNW-FETs) have been constructed and used for long-term measurements at the single-molecule level. Such elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of IDPs will lead to new drug discovery research.

(2024.4.18 Shonan iPark Science Cafe 175th)

ヒトミクログリア表現型を研究するためのin vivo神経免疫オルガノイドモデル


An in vivo neuroimmune organoid model to study human microglia phenotypes

Simon T Schafer, et al. 2023, Cell, 11, 2111-2126. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.04.022.




In the next Science Café, I will give the topic of microglia, which is a part of neuroimmunology that is involved in central nervous system diseases.
It has been reported that microglia not only play a role in brain development and homeostasis, but also may be involved in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. However, models to study interactions between neurons and microglia in the human brain are limited. Here, I will present a paper on co-culturing human brain organoids with microglia and then xenotransplantation them into mice to model the maturation of functional microglia, and a brain environment-induced immune response in a patient-specific model of autism.

(2024.4.4 Shonan iPark Science Cafe 174th)




Senolytic therapy alleviates physiological human brain aging and COVID-19 neuropathology

Aguado et al., Nat Aging. 2023 doi: 10.1038/s43587-023-00519-6



  • COVID-19重症患者の死後脳:同年齢対照と比較して老化細胞蓄積が増加した。
  • 長期培養したヒト脳オルガノイド: 老化細胞が蓄積した一方で、Senolytics(老化細胞を標的とする薬物)が老化関連炎症を低減し、トランスクリプトームにおける「老化時計」を若返らせた。
  • SARS-CoV-2ウイルス感染ヒト脳オルガノイド:細胞老化を誘導し、トランスクリプトーム解析では特異な炎症兆候を示したが、セノリシス処理するとウイルス複製を阻止し、特異的ニューロン集団における老化を抑制した。
  • ヒトACE2過剰発現マウス:セノリティクスはCOVID-19の臨床転帰を改善し、ドパミン作動性ニューロンの生存を促進し、ウイルス及び炎症誘発性遺伝子の発現を軽減した。



In the next Science Café, I would like to introduce a paper showing the relationship between cell senescence and COVID19 and add explanations about the surrounding issues. The main findings observed in the paper are as follows.

  • COVID-19 Postmortem brains of critically ill patients: Senescent cell accumulation increased compared with age-matched controls.
  • Long-term-cultured human cerebral organoids: Senescent cells accumulated while senolytics (a drug targeting senescent cells) reduced senescence-associated inflammation and rejuvenated the “senescence clock ” in the transcriptome.
  • SARS-CoV-2 virus-infected human cerebral organoids: Induced senescence and transcriptome analysis showed unique signs of inflammation, but senolysis treatment blocked viral replication and inhibited senescence in specific neuronal populations.
  • Human ACE2 overexpressing mice: Senolytics improved clinical outcomes of COVID-19, promoted dopaminergic neuronal survival, and attenuated viral and proinflammatory gene expression.

These results suggest that cellular senescence plays an important role in brain senescence and SARS-CoV-2 induced neuropathology and may be a potential anti-aging treatment.

(2024.3.28 Shonan iPark Science Cafe 173rd)
