Shonan iPark Science Cafe





3D organoidとLarge-scale single cell profilingの技術の融合は、これまで成し得なかったヒトの脳の発生および疾患のメカニズムの解明の強力なツールとして注目されています。しかしながら、オルガノイド間でのバラツキが問題視されており、さらに発生過程を本当に再現しているかという点についても疑問が残っていいます。今回は、ひとつの答えとして、脳オルガノイドの第一人者であるHarvard University (Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology)のDr. Paola Arlottaのグループの論文を紹介させていただきます。脳オルガノイドを用いた疾患研究および治療法開発の展望についても討議させていたければと思います。


出典:Nature 570, 523–527 (2019)



Letter |

Individual brain organoids reproducibly form cell diversity of the human cerebral cortex

Silvia Velasco, Amanda J. Kedaigle, Sean K. Simmons, Allison Nash, Marina Rocha, Giorgia Quadrato, Bruna Paulsen, Lan Nguyen, Xian Adiconis, Aviv Regev, Joshua Z. Levin & Paola Arlotta

Nature 570, 523–527 (2019)



Experimental models of the human brain are needed for basic understanding of its development and disease. Human brain organoids hold unprecedented promise for this purpose; however, they are plagued by high organoid-to-organoid variability. This has raised doubts as to whether developmental processes of the human brain can occur outside the context of embryogenesis with a degree of reproducibility that is comparable to the endogenous tissue. Here we show that an organoid model of the dorsal forebrain can reliably generate a rich diversity of cell types appropriate for the human cerebral cortex. We performed single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis of 166,242 cells isolated from 21 individual organoids, finding that 95% of the organoids generate a virtually indistinguishable compendium of cell types, following similar developmental trajectories and with a degree of organoid-to-organoid variability comparable to that of individual endogenous brains. Furthermore, organoids derived from different stem cell lines show consistent reproducibility in the cell types produced. The data demonstrate that reproducible development of the complex cellular diversity of the central nervous system does not require the context of the embryo, and that establishment of terminal cell identity is a highly constrained process that can emerge from diverse stem cell origins and growth environments.



(2019.8.1 iPark Science Cafe)