"Improved modeling of human AD with an automated culturing platform for iPSC neurons, astrocytes and microglia"
Bassil et al., 2021, Nature Communications, 5220
In this Science Café, I will introduce paper from Genentech Inc. to introduce their automated, consistent, and long-term culturing platform of human iPSC neurons, astrocytes, and microglia and AD modeling using this platform. Since iPSC differentiation and culturing protocols have posed challenges to maintaining consistency, this paper and their automation platform gave a hope to use iPSC derived cells for drug discovery in industry for pharmacology use. In this paper, authors also showed an iPSC AD model which showed signs of Aβ plaques, dystrophic neurites around plaques, synapse loss, dendrite retraction, axon fragmentation, phospho-Tau induction, and neuronal cell death in one model.
(2023.4.13 Shonan iPark Science Cafe 143rd)