"Gene therapy conversion of striatal astrocytes into GABAergic neurons in mouse models of Huntington’s disease"
Wu et al., Nature Communications, 11, 1105, 2020
ハンチントン病(HD)の原因は、脳の中にある線条体と呼ばれる大脳基底核のある部位で神経細胞が失われていく進行性(徐々に症状が進んでいく)の神経変性疾患です。原因遺伝子であるハンチンチン(Huntingtin, Htt)にあるCAGの繰り返し配列が異常であることが知られています。現時点では有効な治療薬がありませんが、現在進行中の開発薬の多くはアデノ随伴ウイルス(AAV)ベクターを媒体とした異常であるHTTの発現を抑えるようなアンチセンスオリゴヌクレオチド(ASO)やmicro-RNAです。その一例として、uniQure社のAMT-130が臨床試験(第一/二相)を行っており、非常に注目されています。
今回のScience caféでは、従来の遺伝子を発現させるもしくは抑制させるような遺伝子治療法と比較しながら、このアストロサイトから神経細胞への変換を用いた新たな遺伝子治療法の利点と欠点について、皆様と一緒に討論できれば幸いです。
Huntington's disease (HD) is a rare disease characterized by abnormal chorea movement and neurodegeneration in a brain area called striatum. HD is caused by Huntingtin (Htt) gene mutation with expansion of CAG repeats. There’s currently no cure for Huntington’s disease, but there are types of gene therapy approaches that may offer hope for managing or slowing symptoms. Most of gene therapy approaches are delivering antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) or micro-RNA using AAV vectors to inhibit the production of the mutant protein (mHTT), such as AMT-130 from uniQure which is on Phase II.
However, this paper used a completely different approach of gene therapy. The authors have developed a novel gene therapy to regenerate functional new neurons in mouse models of HD. In order to generate GABAergic neurons, they combined NeuroD1 together with another transcription factor Dlx2, which is known to generate GABAergic neurons during early brain development, and successfully converted striatal astrocytes into GABAergic neurons in HD mice. NeuroD1 and Dlx2-treated R6/2 mice showed a significant extension of life span and improvement of motor functions.
In this Science café, I want to discuss about the advantage and disadvantage of this astrocyte-to-neuron new gene therapy approach comparing to the conventional gene overexpression and suppression approaches.
(2020.9.24 iPark Science Cafe 48th)