Piwi/PRG-1 Argonaute and TGF-β Mediate Transgenerational Learned Pathogenic Avoidance
Cell. 2019 Jun 13;177(7):1827-1841.
C. elegans interprets bacterial non-coding RNAs to learn pathogenic avoidance
Nature. 2020 Oct;586(7829):445-451
線虫C. elegansは、感染症(緑膿菌)への防御機能として、原因菌を忌避する行動を学習します。今回の論文では、その行動変化がsRNAを介した機構により、世代を超えて維持されることを見つけています。また、このsRNAは、感染症を引き起こす細菌によってつくられ、C. elegansに取り込まれることで機能します。
One of the biological defenses to pathogenic bacteria is learned avoidance behavior in C. elegans. In the papers that I introduce in next Science Café, authors found that learned avoidance behavior is maintained several generations. This transgenerational effect is induced by pathogenic non-coding RNAs.
This is the topic of C. elegans, not of human being. However, I believe that the epigenetic maintenance of learned avoidance behavior through several generations is interesting and worth introducing in next Science Cafe.
(2021.6.3 iPark Science Cafe 78th)