Shonan iPark Science Cafe





How to apply artificial intelligence/AI in biotechnology


〇 第一弾:時間:5月12日(木)12:20~12:50 (12時開場、ディスカッションは13時まで可)




How to apply AI in biotechnology


機械学習ディープラーニング等のAI技術の発達、コンピュータの処理速度の大幅な向上は、バイオテクノロジー分野に大きな変化をもたらしつつあり注目を集めています。特に創薬においては、AI技術を活用することで各ステップを大幅に効率化すると同時に、医薬品開発の成功確率の大幅な改善が期待されます。診断においては画像処理や予後予測などでの活用が期待されています。 今回サイエンスカフェでは2回に分けてAIをより身近に感じて頂ければと考えています。

まずは5月12日(木)に「AIのバイオテクノロジー分野での活用 (How to apply AI in biotechnology)」と題してAI創薬の概要、活用例と共にAI Dynamics ( でのバイオテクノロジー分野における取り組みを紹介します。


Advances in AI technologies such as machine learning and deep learning, as well as significant increases in the processing speed of computers, are beginning to bring about major changes in the field of biotechnology and are attracting attention. In particular, in drug discovery, the use of AI technology is expected to greatly improve the efficiency of each step and the probability of success in drug development. It is expected to be used for diagnostic imaging and prognosis prediction. At the Science Café, we plan to divide this time into 2 sessions so that people can feel closer to AI.

First, on Thursday, May 12, under the title of "How to apply AI in biotechnology" we will introduce the overview of AI drug discovery, examples of its utilization, and our efforts in the field of biotechnology at AI Dynamics ( .


〇 第二弾:時間:5月18日(水)12:00~13:00 この会は水曜日開催です


追加デモンストレーション企画 (MS Teams)

NeoPulseデモ - AIモデリングの実際 (英語発表、日本語質疑可)

AI modeling with NeoPulse




On this day, we will introduce how modeling is done in the real world using our company software, NeoPulse. We will go through data upload, pre-processing (normalization, transformation, label creation etc), model design, learning and evaluation. All those steps can be done easily with GUI. Please feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in our free trial. Check our software at:

(2022.5.12 Shonan iPark Science Cafe 114th)