Shonan iPark Science Cafe




PCDH15およびRELNのコピー数変異を伴う患者由来の人工多能性幹細胞を使用した双極性障害および統合失調症のin vitroモデリング

"In Vitro Modeling of the Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Using Patient-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with Copy Number Variations of PCDH15 and RELN"

Ishii et al., eNeuro 20 September 2019, 6 (5) ENEURO.0403-18. 



双極性障害統合失調症は主要な精神障害ですが、複雑な病態が原因で分子メカニズムは不明のままです。これら疾患が多様性をもつため、病態解析のためのin vitroモデルを確立することが困難な状況です。
本論文では、これらの疾患の病態をin vitroで再現するために、双極性障害および統合失調症患者由来のヒト多能性幹細胞(hiPSC)から成熟したニューロンを作り分けることにより、in vitroモデルを確立しています。今回確認できた表現型が精神障害の一般的な表現型であり、hiPSC技術を使用したin vitroモデルが精神障害の病態解析に適していることを示唆しています。

At the next science cafe, I would like to discuss the application of human iPS cells to mental illnesses through the papers on elucidating the pathophysiology of mental illnesses using human iPS cells.

Bipolar disorder (BP) and schizophrenia (SCZ) are major psychiatric disorders, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the complicated pathologies of these disorders remain unclear. It is difficult to establish adequate in vitro models for pathological analysis because of the heterogeneity of these disorders.
In the present study, to recapitulate the pathologies of these disorders in vitro, we established in vitro models by differentiating mature neurons from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) derived from BP and SCZ patient with contributive copy number variations. These results suggest that the observed phenotypes are general phenotypes of psychiatric disorders, and our in vitro models using hiPSC-based technology may be suitable for analysis of the pathologies of psychiatric disorders.





(2019.11.14 iPark Science Cafe 17th)