Shonan iPark Science Cafe





“Measurement of physiological functions of human brain organoids”


In the next iPark Science Cafe, the following couple of recent research reports focusing on physiological functions of human brain organoids will be discussed.

次のiPark Science Cafeでは、ヒト脳オルガノイドの生理学的機能に焦点を当てた以下の最近の研究報告について議論します。


Cell Stem Cell, Volume 25, Issue 4, 3 October 2019, Pages 558-569.e7

"Complex Oscillatory Waves Emerging from Cortical Organoids Model Early Human Brain Network Development"




Structural and transcriptional changes during early brain maturation follow fixed developmental programs defined by genetics. However, whether this is true for functional network activity remains unknown, primarily due to experimental inaccessibility of the initial stages of the living human brain. Here, we developed human cortical organoids that dynamically change cellular populations during maturation and exhibited consistent increases in electrical activity over the span of several months. The spontaneous network formation displayed periodic and regular oscillatory events that were dependent on glutamatergic and GABAergic signaling. The oscillatory activity transitioned to more spatiotemporally irregular patterns, and synchronous network events resembled features similar to those observed in preterm human electroencephalography. These results show that the development of structured network activity in a human neocortex model may follow stable genetic programming. Our approach provides opportunities for investigating and manipulating the role of network activity in the developing human cortex.



Stem Cell Reports, Volume 13, Issue 3, 10 September 2019, Pages 458-473

"Self-Organized Synchronous Calcium Transients in a Cultured Human Neural Network Derived from Cerebral Organoids"




The cerebrum is a major center for brain function, and its activity is derived from the assembly of activated cells in neural networks. It is currently difficult to study complex human cerebral neuronal network activity. Here, using cerebral organoids, we report self-organized and complex human neural network activities that include synchronized and non-synchronized patterns. Self-organized neuronal network formation was observed following a dissociation culture of human embryonic stem cell-derived cerebral organoids. The spontaneous individual and synchronized activity of the network was measured via calcium imaging, and subsequent analysis enabled the examination of detailed cell activity patterns, providing simultaneous raster plots, cluster analyses, and cell distribution data. Finally, we demonstrated the feasibility of our system to assess drug-inducible dynamic changes of the network activity. The comprehensive functioanalysis of human neuronal networks using this system may offer a powerful tool to access human brain function.






(2019.10.17 iPark Science Cafe 13th)